• March 21, 2019

10 Foods that Help Control the Levels of Sugar in the Blood

10 Foods that Help Control the Levels of Sugar in the Blood

Peak blood glucose levels in summer are much more frequent due to the change in habits common at this time, such as changing mealtimes and rest times and greater exposure to heat and dehydration.
A team of nutritionists has selected a set of 10 low-glycemic and low-fat foods that help prevent sugar breakdown while enjoying the holidays without gaining weight.
Cherries, steamed cockles or tea with ice and lemon are some of the foods selected because they have a low glycemic index, are appetizing in summer and low in calories.
With the onset of heat, sugar decompensations, known as blood sugar spikes (can cause sugar levels to rise and fall), are much more frequent due to changes in meal and rest time. The change in eating habits, which may be caused by the increased frequency of social events, longer meal intervals or poor appetite, are other typical times of the year that can cause dehydration or sunstroke due to blood glucose spikes.
In the case of people with type 2 or overweight diabetes, this risk increases and to avoid it a team of dietitian-nutritionists has selected 10 low-glycemic and low-calorie foods that help maintain a constant intake of carbohydrates carbon dioxide and thus prevent blood glucose spikes, contributing to weight loss.

Control the sugar level with 10 foods

One of the recommendations for the summer is to favor foods that help prevent blood sugar spikes, since the higher the sugar rise, the more liquids are lost, which increases the risk of dehydration. It also allows avoiding side effects that can cause type 2 diabetes in the short, medium or long term.”These foods contain slower absorption carbohydrates, which means that the body takes longer to convert them to sugar and does so in a slower and more balanced way. Thus, the body has a constant supply of energy and a greater sense of satiety, which favors loss/weight control. We ought not simply to keep great propensities like keeping each of the five suppers every day to stay away from glucose spikes and avoid parchedness or sunstroke, particularly the diabetics who are most in danger in the mid-year, “says the group of nutritionists.

The rich sardine

can be eaten in various ways, for example, if ingested cold helps to reduce body temperature. In addition, recent studies show that they improve the metabolism of type 2 diabetics and are very rich in Omega 3, contributing to reduce cholesterol levels.

Tapas with steamed cockles or mussels

if you do not want to gain weight, but like to snack, choose some steamed cockles or mussels that are also suitable for type 2 diabetics. They provide many nutrients and are rich in iron.

Fight the heat with iced tea, mint, and lemon

in addition to refreshing, it is important to know that lemon has a lower glycemic index than the rest of the fruit, which helps prevent possible blood sugar spikes.

Cherries to eat between meals

are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, easy to take anywhere and help fight heat if they are ingested fresh. Being rich in beta-carotene helps you achieve and maintain a beautiful tan. Thanks to their low glycemic index, ingested in the right amounts help prevent sudden rises in sugar.

Surprise yourself with couscous

can be taken alone or in salads and help diabetics avoid blood glucose spikes. Being low in fat cardiovascular health thanks.

Who says you can not eat bread?

Brown bread contains the recommended amount of carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed, is rich in fiber and helps control sugar levels. Nutritionists propose to accompany it with hummus, a paste made with chickpeas, suitable for type 2 diabetics, whose glycemic index is very low and favors intestinal transit.

Seasonings with Dijon Mustard

Enjoy salads, but avoid seasoning them with sauces that contain calories and can cause sudden rises of sugar. A good option is to season salads with Dijon mustard, which gives flavor and because it is very low in carbohydrates, is perfect for diabetics.

Refresh with guacamole

Avocado, the base of this sauce, is beneficial for type 2 diabetics because it helps control sugar levels. In addition, it does not raise cholesterol, its fats are healthy, it contains omega 3 and oleic acid, it is very fresh and tasty for summer.

The star of summer, the sweet yogurt sweetened

Nutritionists recommend accompanying you with red fruits, as it has a very low glycemic index. According to a University of Cambridge study, lean yogurt can reduce the risk of diabetes by 24%.

The Benefits of Spinach

This vegetable contains a lot of nutrients, very few calories and contributes to improving cardiovascular and bone health. In addition, it improves the absorption of sugar and prevents the peaks of glycemia. It is ideal to eat very fresh in salads, to which you can add a lot of nuts to make it more complete.

Tracy Mill

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