• March 21, 2019

10 Foods to Control Diabetes

10 Foods to Control Diabetes

Diabetes is a malady that is firmly identified with individuals’ dietary patterns. “It is vital to have a reasonable eating regimen, high in fiber and dependably know about the measure of sugar in sustenance so it doesn’t surpass the step by step proposition,” 
Of course, no food alone does a miracle, but in a balanced diet, some can promote many benefits for people with diabetes. Talk to experts and list ten foods that are allied to those who have diabetes!
In common, all these foods have a low glycemic index, which is the rate at which glucose enters the body. Foods with high glycemic indexes are not usually targeted at people with diabetes because they raise blood glucose quickly and in turn lead to insulin spikes, just the hormone that people with diabetes have a hard time producing. Unable to absorb glucose properly, it stays in the bloodstream and can lead to complications such as oxidation of vessels.
See benefits of avocado, oats, deep-sea fish, yogurt without fats, almonds, legumes, flaxseed, chia, yacon potatoes, and functional flours.


Avocado is a portion of great food for people with diabetes. This is because it is rich in monounsaturated fats and also possesses polyunsaturated fats, both good fats for health. “Avocado, as well as other monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, nuts, nuts, help insulin resistance and prevent cardiovascular disease, as opposed to saturated fats,” explains nutritionist Nicole Trevisan of ADJ Diabetes Brazil.
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded after reviewing several studies that monounsaturated fats are beneficial to the diet of those who have type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Learn More: 7 Myths and 5 Truths About Diabetes

The study found that this food helps reduce levels of bad cholesterol, LDL, and increase good, HDL, which is great for patients with diabetes who have a greater tendency to develop cardiovascular problems. The research also noted that when consumed in moderate amounts, monounsaturated fats do not favor weight gain in people with diabetes. Try to ingest at most four tablespoons of avocado in the day, as this food is very caloric.


Oatmeal is an important food for people with type 2 diabetes because it is rich in soluble fiber. “This nutrient helps slow down the absorption of glucose, which will prevent glucose peaks, and it also controls the absorption of cholesterol,” explains neurologist Roberto Navarro.
A study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine reviewed fifteen studies and concluded that the consumption of fibers by people with type 2 diabetes helps to reduce the speed of glucose absorption and therefore the consumption of this nutrient is beneficial and must be encouraged. For those who do not have diabetes, the fibers also help prevent the onset of the disease and still provide satiety.

Try not to heat the oats as they may lose some nutrients. Eat up to four tablespoons of oatmeal a day.

Deep-sea and cold-water fish

Cold and deep water fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, and others, are beneficial to health because they are rich in omega 3. A study conducted by the University of Valencia in Spain analyzed the consumption of meat and fish in 945 people between 55 and 80 years old with high cardiovascular risk and found that fish consumption, which is rich in omega 3, is associated with a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes and a decrease in glucose concentration, while consumption of red meat is related to obesity.
Scholars believe this is because increased fatty acid in skeletal muscle cells improves insulin sensitivity. Another study published by Harvard University noted that omega 3 prevents type 2 diabetes. This lipid increases the levels of a hormone called adiponectin that is beneficial in processes that affect metabolisms such as blood sugar regulation and inflammatory processes.

This fat also helps prevent cardiovascular disease. “People with diabetes are more likely to develop this type of disease because excess glucose circulating in our blood leads to excessive oxidation of various organs, especially blood vessels,” notes Navarro.

Yogurt without fat

Low-fat yogurts are good alternatives for people with diabetes. This is because it will have reduced saturated fats, which in excess favor cardiovascular problems, which are especially concerning for those with diabetes. “When we think that a large proportion of people with type 2 diabetes get the disease due to obesity, we find that there is an indirect correlation between calcium and diabetes, “says Navarro.

In addition, calcium is also essential for the maintenance of bones and teeth. Yogurts are still rich in lactobacilli which contribute to improved immunity


Almond is a great choice for the health of those who have diabetes. This is because it is rich in good fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. In addition, this oil has good amounts of magnesium. “If the diabetic has a very high glucose crisis, it will be excreted in the urine and together with some nutrients such as magnesium, so it is important for people with diabetes who do not take care of themselves to replace magnesium,” explains Navarro.
A study published in the scientific journal Diabetes Care, made with more than 500 thousand people, concluded that consumption of magnesium helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The guidance is to consume up to about four units of almonds a day.


Legumes such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are good alternatives because they are high in fiber, which will help slow the rate at which glucose is absorbed. In addition to being sources of proteins. Try to ingest up to two servings of legumes per day.

Functional flours

Functional flours such as blackberry, eggplant, green banana, and coconut, are beneficial for those who have diabetes and to prevent this disease. This is because they are rich in soluble fibers, which will avoid the glycemic peaks and consequently the production of insulin. The more glycemic and insulin spikes people with diabetes have, the worse the picture will be. “Green banana flour still stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora,” says Navarro.

Linseed and chia

Chia and flaxseed have soluble fibers that are related to prevention and are also good for people with diabetes. This is because, like all fiber-rich foods, they will prevent glucose peaks and insulin production from occurring. “In addition, they have omega 3, a fatty acid that is beneficial for those who have diabetes,” says Navarro.

Yacon potato

A study conducted by Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN) in São Paulo states that the daily consumption of yacon potatoes can help control glycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. This is because the food is rich in a carbohydrate called fructooligosaccharide, the fibers in our body.

A simple carbohydrate can be quickly ingested by the body, increasing the rates of glucose and insulin, whereas in the case of yacon potato carbohydrate the opposite occurs. The body can not break the molecules of this carbohydrate so easily and so the absorption is slower.

Tracy Mill

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