• March 22, 2019

9 Habits that Help Control the Disease on a Daily Basis

9 Habits that Help Control the Disease on a Daily Basis

Those who have diabetes should keep an eye: if blood glucose levels rise above the expected level, there is a risk of various damage to the body, such as kidney complications, eye damage, and skin problems. The disease occurs precisely because of increased blood sugar, which occurs because the pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin enough for the body to function properly or because insulin is resistant to proper action.
Inserting some simple habits into everyday life is important to get along with diabetes. Here’s what you can do to help conventional treatments control glucose and stay always healthy.

Control Weight

Those who have diabetes and are overweight should ideally seek out a nutritionist to make a proper diet and eliminate the extra pounds. According to endocrinologist Renato Zilli of the Hospital Sírio Libanês, the benefit is in losing abdominal fat, since it is one of the responsibilities for the onset of diabetes and also requires a lot of insulin release.

“When you lose weight, more insulin is left to other parts of the body, requiring less demand for the hormone,” he explains. This is very beneficial for controlling diabetes.

Do Physical Activities

As a rule, all people should have regular physical activity. However, those who have diabetes should follow this recommendation even more closely. Zilli explains that exercising decreases risk or even manages to control diabetes. “It will decrease insulin resistance in the peripheral muscles. With physical activity, the person uses the blood sugar better,” he explains.
In addition, tinkering with the body will rule out the risk of heart attack or stroke, which is naturally increased among patients with diabetes. It is important to talk to the doctor for guidance on the best physical activities for each case.

Moisturize Skin Well

Uncontrolled glycemia can also lead to dry skin that, if left uncared for and very well hydrated, can develop itching and cracking that increases the chance of infection. Dermatologist Cláudio Wulkan, of Israelita Hospital Albert Einstein, clarifies that dry skin shows up following one to three weeks of uncontrolled glycemia. “You need to hydrate your skin well and control your blood sugar.”Opportunistic microorganisms also attack when the skin is dry: “With the uncontrolled sugar, infections may appear, because the defense cells in our blood have their mobility altered. They work slowly in a high-sugar environment,” explains Wulkan. When these defenses are compromised, the skin is vulnerable to attacks of bacteria and fungi. The hydration of the skin, therefore, makes a lot of difference to avoid irritations and injuries. Skin care includes the use of specific products for people with diabetes. Moisturizing creams specially designed for this audience can be used daily. For a more efficient absorption, the idea is to make use of the moisturizer soon after the bath.

Take Care of Your Feet

The skin of the feet is the one that most suffers from the carelessness of controlling the disease. The dermatologist explains that the region is more susceptible to attacks of fungi or bacteria because the vascularization is compromised and the body’s defense cells do not reach the site. In addition, diabetes causes micro-lesions in vessels and nerves that can, indirectly, change the sensitivity of the feet.
“This altered sensitivity can cause wounds, injuries, and ulcers,” warns Wulkan, who is also a member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and the American Society of Dermatology.
“You can get hurt more because you do not feel the pain. If you step on a pebble, for example, you will not feel it and it will hurt your skin,” he explains. The recommendation is always to assess the sensitivity of the feet in medical appointments.
In addition, also in this region of the body, the dryness of the skin appears with more intensity. The use of skin moisturizers for those who have diabetes can help control the damage caused by excessive dryness.

It is important to remember that the hydrant cream should not contain alcohol since this component can impair the hydration of the skin.

Eat Fibers

Eating healthy and rich in vegetables is ideal for those who have diabetes because they contain fiber, recommends the endocrinologist. The fibers help to slow the rate of absorption of glucose in the blood.

“Foods rich in fiber also give satiety, making the person eat less,” clarifies the endocrinologist.

Sleep Well

It sounds silly, but a good night’s sleep is allied to those who have diabetes. Renato Zilli explains that sleeping less than seven hours a night worsens sugar control because the body produces more cortisol, a hormone that, in excess, is not welcome since it increases the accumulation of abdominal fat.

“In addition, lack of sleep causes more binge eating, so it is very important that the person sleeps well.” The endocrinologist still points out that our will power is spent during the day, so the chance to eat nonsense increases. “It is important then that we start the day with more disposition and for that, it is essential to sleep well.”

Do not Stress

The body releases cortisol in the face of stress, which is bad for people with diabetes. “In addition, stress can make a person stop making healthy choices and have a worsening sleep quality,” says Zilli.

Avoid Simple Carbohydrates

White flour, sugar, and other simple carbohydrates quickly turn into glucose, so they are not good choices for people with diabetes.

“Today, we have a very large caloric offer, so the idea is to make healthier choices and to schedule meals,” says the endocrinologist at the Sírio Libanês Hospital.

Stay away from Alcohol

According to Zilli, those who have diabetes should be very careful about alcoholic beverages. “They can lead to blood glucose both down [hypoglycemia] and up [hyperglycemia]. The best alcoholic drink for people with diabetes is dry red wine, but you can not drink it at will,” he says, asking for caution.

“Only the doctor will be able to tell how much the person can consume,” explains the specialist.

  • March 22, 2019

What to do to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Medication

What to do to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Medication

Uncontrolled blood pressure control is possible, with habits such as practicing physical activities 5 times a week, losing weight and reducing salt intake.
These attitudes are essential to prevent prehypertension from becoming high blood pressure, and may also be doctor-directed as an attempt to control pressure before starting treatment with medication for 3 to 6 months if the pressure is below of 160x100mmHg.
If medication has already been started, they can not be stopped, however, these changes in lifestyle are also very important so that the treatment can control the pressure correctly, even allowing the reduction of doses of medicines.

The main attitudes that have proven to help control the pressure naturally are:

1. Losing Weight

Weight loss and weight control are very important because there is a direct relationship between weight and pressure, which usually increases in people overweight.
In addition to decreasing total body fat, it is also very important to reduce the size of the circumference of the abdomen, since abdominal fat represents a great risk for cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack.
To ensure a controlled weight, it is necessary to have a weight that corresponds to the body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9mg / kg2, which means that the person has the ideal amount of weight for his height. Understand better what this calculation is and know if you are overweight in what it is and how to calculate BMI.

The abdominal circumference, measured with a tape measure in the region of the navel height, should be below 88 cm in a woman and 102 cm in man, to indicate an abdominal fat in the safe amount for health.

2. Adopt a DASH-Style Diet

The DASH-style diet proposes a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products, such as natural yogurt and white cheeses, and low in fat, sugars, and red meat, which contributes to weight loss and blood pressure control.
It is also important to avoid the consumption of canned, canned or frozen ready-to-eat foods as they contain excess sodium and preservatives that lead to increased pressure and should be avoided.

In addition, it is important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day to keep the body hydrated, balanced and allow proper functioning of the organs.

3. Consume less than 6 g of salt per day

It is very important to control the consumption of salt so that less than 6 g of salt per day is consumed, corresponding to 1 tsp shallow, and is equivalent to 2 g of sodium.
For this, it is necessary to observe and calculate in the food package the amount of salt present, besides avoiding to use the salt to temper the food, being preferred the use of spices such as cumin, garlic, onion, parsley, pepper, oregano, basil or bay leaves, for example. Learn how to grow and prepare to the season to replace salt.

Changing eating habits can reduce blood pressure by up to 10 mmHg, being a great ally to avoid or avoid higher doses of the drugs. Check out other nutritionist’s dietary guidelines and diet menu to control hypertension.

4. Practice exercises 5 times a week

Practicing physical activity, at least 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, 5 times a week, is essential to help control the pressure, reducing from 7 to 10 mmHg, which may help prevent the use of drugs in the future. or to decrease the dose of the medicines.
This is because exercise improves blood circulation through the vessels and helps the heart function, as well as help control levels of pressure-increasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

Some great options are walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing. Ideally, an anaerobic exercise, with some weight, should also be associated 2 times a week, preferably after medical release and with the guidance of a physical educator.

5. Leave the cigarette

Smoking causes injury and impairment of blood vessel function, as well as contracting its walls, which causes increased pressure, as well as being an important risk factor for various cardiovascular, inflammatory and cancer diseases.
Cigarette smoking is not only related to an increase in blood pressure but in many cases, it may even negate the effect of the medication in those who already have treatment.

In addition, it is important that the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages be controlled, as it is also a cause of increased blood pressure. Thus, its consumption should be moderate, not exceeding the amount of 30 grams of alcohol per day, which equals 2 cans of beer, 2 glasses of wine or 1 dose of whiskey.

6. Eat more food with potassium and magnesium

Replacement of these minerals, preferably through feeding, although not proven, seems to be associated with better control of pressure, since they are important for the metabolism, mainly of the nervous system, blood vessels, and heart muscles.

The recommendation of daily magnesium is up to 400mg in man and 300mg in women and the recommendation of potassium is about 4.7 grams per day, which is usually obtained through the diet rich in vegetables and seeds. Check out what foods are high in magnesium and potassium.

7. Decrease your stress

Anxiety and stress increase levels of male hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which accelerate the heart rate and contract vessels, raising blood pressure.
The persistence of this situation can further increase the pressure, which makes treatment difficult and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.

To combat stress, it is recommended to practice physical exercises, activities such as meditation and yoga, in addition to stimulating trips and social gatherings, for example, that help regulate feelings and control hormone levels in the body. In severe cases, it is also recommended to seek professional help through psychotherapy and consultation with a psychiatrist.

  • March 21, 2019

10 Foods to Control Diabetes

10 Foods to Control Diabetes

Diabetes is a malady that is firmly identified with individuals’ dietary patterns. “It is vital to have a reasonable eating regimen, high in fiber and dependably know about the measure of sugar in sustenance so it doesn’t surpass the step by step proposition,” 
Of course, no food alone does a miracle, but in a balanced diet, some can promote many benefits for people with diabetes. Talk to experts and list ten foods that are allied to those who have diabetes!
In common, all these foods have a low glycemic index, which is the rate at which glucose enters the body. Foods with high glycemic indexes are not usually targeted at people with diabetes because they raise blood glucose quickly and in turn lead to insulin spikes, just the hormone that people with diabetes have a hard time producing. Unable to absorb glucose properly, it stays in the bloodstream and can lead to complications such as oxidation of vessels.
See benefits of avocado, oats, deep-sea fish, yogurt without fats, almonds, legumes, flaxseed, chia, yacon potatoes, and functional flours.


Avocado is a portion of great food for people with diabetes. This is because it is rich in monounsaturated fats and also possesses polyunsaturated fats, both good fats for health. “Avocado, as well as other monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, nuts, nuts, help insulin resistance and prevent cardiovascular disease, as opposed to saturated fats,” explains nutritionist Nicole Trevisan of ADJ Diabetes Brazil.
A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded after reviewing several studies that monounsaturated fats are beneficial to the diet of those who have type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Learn More: 7 Myths and 5 Truths About Diabetes

The study found that this food helps reduce levels of bad cholesterol, LDL, and increase good, HDL, which is great for patients with diabetes who have a greater tendency to develop cardiovascular problems. The research also noted that when consumed in moderate amounts, monounsaturated fats do not favor weight gain in people with diabetes. Try to ingest at most four tablespoons of avocado in the day, as this food is very caloric.


Oatmeal is an important food for people with type 2 diabetes because it is rich in soluble fiber. “This nutrient helps slow down the absorption of glucose, which will prevent glucose peaks, and it also controls the absorption of cholesterol,” explains neurologist Roberto Navarro.
A study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine reviewed fifteen studies and concluded that the consumption of fibers by people with type 2 diabetes helps to reduce the speed of glucose absorption and therefore the consumption of this nutrient is beneficial and must be encouraged. For those who do not have diabetes, the fibers also help prevent the onset of the disease and still provide satiety.

Try not to heat the oats as they may lose some nutrients. Eat up to four tablespoons of oatmeal a day.

Deep-sea and cold-water fish

Cold and deep water fish, such as salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, and others, are beneficial to health because they are rich in omega 3. A study conducted by the University of Valencia in Spain analyzed the consumption of meat and fish in 945 people between 55 and 80 years old with high cardiovascular risk and found that fish consumption, which is rich in omega 3, is associated with a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes and a decrease in glucose concentration, while consumption of red meat is related to obesity.
Scholars believe this is because increased fatty acid in skeletal muscle cells improves insulin sensitivity. Another study published by Harvard University noted that omega 3 prevents type 2 diabetes. This lipid increases the levels of a hormone called adiponectin that is beneficial in processes that affect metabolisms such as blood sugar regulation and inflammatory processes.

This fat also helps prevent cardiovascular disease. “People with diabetes are more likely to develop this type of disease because excess glucose circulating in our blood leads to excessive oxidation of various organs, especially blood vessels,” notes Navarro.

Yogurt without fat

Low-fat yogurts are good alternatives for people with diabetes. This is because it will have reduced saturated fats, which in excess favor cardiovascular problems, which are especially concerning for those with diabetes. “When we think that a large proportion of people with type 2 diabetes get the disease due to obesity, we find that there is an indirect correlation between calcium and diabetes, “says Navarro.

In addition, calcium is also essential for the maintenance of bones and teeth. Yogurts are still rich in lactobacilli which contribute to improved immunity


Almond is a great choice for the health of those who have diabetes. This is because it is rich in good fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. In addition, this oil has good amounts of magnesium. “If the diabetic has a very high glucose crisis, it will be excreted in the urine and together with some nutrients such as magnesium, so it is important for people with diabetes who do not take care of themselves to replace magnesium,” explains Navarro.
A study published in the scientific journal Diabetes Care, made with more than 500 thousand people, concluded that consumption of magnesium helps reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. The guidance is to consume up to about four units of almonds a day.


Legumes such as beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas are good alternatives because they are high in fiber, which will help slow the rate at which glucose is absorbed. In addition to being sources of proteins. Try to ingest up to two servings of legumes per day.

Functional flours

Functional flours such as blackberry, eggplant, green banana, and coconut, are beneficial for those who have diabetes and to prevent this disease. This is because they are rich in soluble fibers, which will avoid the glycemic peaks and consequently the production of insulin. The more glycemic and insulin spikes people with diabetes have, the worse the picture will be. “Green banana flour still stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora,” says Navarro.

Linseed and chia

Chia and flaxseed have soluble fibers that are related to prevention and are also good for people with diabetes. This is because, like all fiber-rich foods, they will prevent glucose peaks and insulin production from occurring. “In addition, they have omega 3, a fatty acid that is beneficial for those who have diabetes,” says Navarro.

Yacon potato

A study conducted by Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN) in São Paulo states that the daily consumption of yacon potatoes can help control glycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes. This is because the food is rich in a carbohydrate called fructooligosaccharide, the fibers in our body.

A simple carbohydrate can be quickly ingested by the body, increasing the rates of glucose and insulin, whereas in the case of yacon potato carbohydrate the opposite occurs. The body can not break the molecules of this carbohydrate so easily and so the absorption is slower.

  • March 20, 2019

How to Add Height Fast

How to Add Height Fast

Unfortunately, there is no way to increase height instantly. Broadly speaking, growing tall is something that is very dependent on genetics. 60-80% of your height is determined by the DNA passed by your parents, while 20-40% of your height is influenced by your environment. This means your diet, health, the frequency of exercise, and length of sleep you get. Before you grow your plate (growth plate) where you are closing, you will continue to grow, and a good diet, healthy exercise, and adequate sleep will make you grow taller in this period, and you will not be able to achieve maximum height if you don’t do it. In most people, the growth plate closes at the beginning of the age of twenty, and after that height will not increase naturally anymore.

1. Increase Height with Diet, Vitamins, and Minerals

Apply the right diet.

A balanced diet consists of many important nutrients that will help you grow strong and healthy, and achieve maximum height. This means you have to avoid cakes, soda, and pizza, and start eating salads, whole grains, and fish. If you have difficulty motivating yourself to eat these foods, look for different recipes and find food combinations that interest you.

  • To find out clearly about a healthy and balanced diet with protein, fruits, vegetables, wheat, and dairy products, visit the USDA MyPlate website.

Add lean protein to your diet.

Protein is a building block for other substances that help you to grow tall and strong, including your bones, muscles, and cartilage.  Therefore, it is important for you to eat enough food included in the protein food group if you want to achieve maximum height. The recommended amount varies depending on your age, gender, and how often you exercise.
  • Women aged 9-18 are advised to consume 140 grams of protein every day.
  • Men aged 9-13 years are advised to consume 140 grams of protein every day.
  • Men aged 14-18 years are advised to consume 185 grams of protein every day.
  • Foods belonging to the protein food group are lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

Adequate consumption of vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps bones to grow stronger and supports muscle growth in children. According to a recent study, vitamin D deficiency is a growth inhibiting factor and even weight gain in young women.

  • Some foods that are rich in vitamin D are oily fish, mushrooms, and cereals fortified with nutrients.

Add zinc nutrients to the body.

Although existing studies have not been able to conclude this, scientific evidence shows the possibility that zinc deficiency is associated with stunted growth. This means you have to get zinc intake, or you have to face the risk of stunted growth. Here are some foods that are good sources of zinc:

  • Seafood, especially shellfish
  • Sheep’s meat
  • Spinach

Get plenty of calcium intake.

After all, there is little evidence to suggest that calcium has an effect on high growth, but calcium is an important substance that aids the growth of strong bones, and this is important for growth. You can get most calcium from dairy products. Men and women aged 9-18 years are advised to consume three cups (660 grams) of dairy products that are rich in calcium every day.
  • Dairy products that contain lots of fat are not recommended for consumption.
  • Cream, cream cheese, and butter are dairy products that contain little calcium.
  • Some other choices to replace dairy products to get calcium intake are canned fish, green vegetables, soy products, juices, cereals, and bread fortified with calcium.

2. Exercise and Sleep to Spur Growth in Puberty

Sleep longer.

Did you know that growth only occurs when you sleep? The body produces human growth hormone (HGH) when you sleep. This hormone helps build muscle and height growth. So, if you really want to get taller, sleep as much as possible.
  • School children should sleep for 10 to 11 hours per day.
  • Teenagers and children under the age of 18 should sleep for 9 to 10 hours per day.


Whatever your daily activities, take time to exercise. Exercise is an important factor that supports body growth and general health. Especially if you want to grow tall in adolescence, make it a habit to exercise. All types of exercise are good, and there are no certain sports that will increase height, but doing things in which you have to stretch and jump will help lengthen your spine.
  • Try jumping by playing basketball or jumping rope.
  • Try stretching your back, arms, and legs by swimming.
  • vThere is no specific duration needed so you can get taller, but the longer you exercise, the better the results for growth.
  • Children and adults are advised to exercise at least one hour every day to be healthy. Try to give yourself the best chance to grow tall, and try to exercise more than one hour.

Try to stretch your body.

Some stretching movements can help you stretch your spine and improve your posture. Make stretching as the first thing was done in the morning and the last thing before going to bed at night so that your body becomes more upright, so you will also reach maximum height. Here are some stretches that you can try:
  • Touching the big toe. Stand straight and raise your hands up, then try to touch your toes.
  • Cobra stretch. Place the prone position with both hands on the side, then press both hands to lift your chest and lean your head back.
  • Bridge stretch. Lie down with your hands on both sides of your body, then use your hands to press the floor, then lift the abdomen so that it doesn’t touch the floor to stretch your back.

Wait for the body to increase naturally as time passes.

If you have done the steps above, there is a possibility that you have tried your best so that your body grows to the maximum. Not everyone can grow as tall as a basketball player or model. Having a high body isn’t everything, so start learning to feel comfortable with your body condition.
  • Some people experience a slower growth phase, and the growth of these people will only run very fast at the age of 17 or 18, or even more.
  • If you’re really worried, see the pediatrician in the endocrinology department. Endocrinologists can provide valuable information about some medical things you can do to fight slow growth.

3. Reaching Maximum Height

Adjust your posture

If you have done all the things that can help the body to grow taller, there are a number of other things that can make you [[To Look Higher] can reach maximum height [[. You may not realize how big the influence of bad posture on average height. Slightly slumping shoulders, the body bent forward, and the habit of standing with emphasis on one leg can reduce your height.
  • Walk with a book above your head to train the body so that the spine can be stretched to the maximum extent possible.
  • Stand with both feet straight and both feet not wider than the waist. Keep your chin up slightly. Besides making you look a little taller, you will also look more confident.
  • Get used to sitting up straight, then focus on giving contractions to the abdominal muscles to help.

Choose medium or short haircuts.

You might think that long hair will make you look taller. However, the facts prove that long hair distracts others from your neck and neckline, so you look smaller. Therefore, choose a short or medium haircut. Short or medium hairstyles will focus more on your neck.
  • If you have a neck that is long enough, a short or medium hairstyle will look good.

Change your appearance.

Wearing tight clothing, such as skinny jeans (skinny jeans), can help you to highlight your body shape. When you wear loose clothing, your body shape is not really visible so you will look shorter. Jeans will highlight the length of your feet and display the shape of your feet beautifully so that the attention of others will be focused on the shape of your feet, not height.
  • For women, wearing a narrow skirt can help highlight natural foot length.

Wear clothes with colors that make you look thin and have a vertical pattern.

Colors that can make you look thin, such as black, navy blue and dark green will make you look taller. These colors make the body look slimmer, and this works for both men and women. Wearing clothes and pants with colors that make you look thin will double the effect created. In addition, wearing a shirt with a vertical line will also make you look taller.
  • For women, try vertically striped pants, or collared shirts.
  • For men, you can look taller by wearing a shirt that has a thin vertical line rather than a checkered pattern shirt.
  • Both men and women should avoid wearing horizontal stripes – clothes with this pattern will give the opposite impression, so you will look smaller.

Wear high heels or extra-bottomed shoes (platforms).

Of course, this is not for everyone, but wearing high heels or grounded shoes can add height instantly. You can increase your height to 15 cm after you wear it. With a pair of high heels, people will see the top of your body, not the bottom of your body. When you meet someone for the first time, the first impression they have is not about your height, but the characteristics of your face.
  • Walking with high heels is a skill that must be trained. Take the time to get comfortable with high heels before wearing them when you leave.
  • Walking with high heels can be dangerous and hurt your feet. Try to wear deep and polished insoles, and wear high heels to loosen up and match the size of your feet before wearing them out.
  • If you don’t want to wear shoes with high heels, look for shoes with thick soles.
  • Men can buy additional pads that can be put into shoes to increase height.

  • March 20, 2019

Tips to Maintain Body Health in the Transition Season

Tips to Maintain Body Health in the Transition Season

The weather changes frequently, making you and your family more susceptible to disease. Weather changes are increasingly unpredictable. At times like this, you must actively look for ways to maintain a healthy body and family so as not to fall ill in a season that is increasingly unpredictable as it is today. Here is a way you can take care of your body’s health in the current transition season.

Diligent in Hand Washing

Invite family, especially children to always wash their hands before eating, after finishing playing and more. Maternal and child health is equally important. You must invite your child to learn to avoid illness by diligently washing your hands. After that dry hands with a dry towel, because germs and bacteria can still stick in wet hands.

Lots of White Water Consumption

Have you and your family drunk enough water today? Meet the daily needs of 8 glasses of water a day, equivalent to 2 liters of water. Sufficient water makes your body stay well hydrated. Water serves to facilitate your digestion. Invite the family to consume lots of water during this uncertain weather. Water can increase the body’s metabolism, and prevent the body from getting infected. Make it a habit to bring a tumbler to store water and take it wherever you go. Besides being environmentally friendly, daily water needs are fulfilled!

Sports Routine

Invite your family to exercise regularly, even if it’s only 30 minutes every day. You don’t need to exercise hard to maintain health and fitness. The important thing is that you move enough every day so that the body is not stiff and easily tired. Do this habit at least three times a week. You can start this good habit by stretching in the morning, or in the afternoon with your child. In fact, for housewives, doing housework is considered a sport, because it burns calories. Whisper, let’s!

Eating Foods 4 Healthy 5 Perfect

A healthy body can be obtained by eating healthy food. Many nutrients needed by the body, obtained from food. You certainly know 4 healthy 5 is perfect, right? As a smart mother, of course, you know that one way to maintain a healthy body is to make sure the food your family eats is the best food and avoid disease. Rice, vegetables, side dishes, fruit, and milk are the standard formulas of 4 perfectly healthy 5. These five foods are a source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, and milk are complimentary which helps the body stay strong and energetic.
Take the time to cook every day and make sure directly that your family’s food intake is the best. Avoid foods that have gone through too much processing, such as instant packaged foods. Did you know that the more processes a food ingredient goes through, the more additives are added? If not monitored properly, the body will be susceptible to diseases, especially digestion. Especially in the transition season like this, of course, it requires high immunity from the body.

Keep the Kitchen Clean

Cleanliness of the food served to the family must always be considered because food can enhance the immune system. You must always keep the cooking utensils clean, free of bacteria, as well as food equipment. You can use Sunlight Plus Hygienic Plus Anti Bacteria to remove stains on dirty dishes while killing the bacteria inside the sponge to wash dishes.

Washing Fruits, Vegetables and Other Foodstuffs

As mentioned above, food can be beneficial to form the immune system so it is not easy to get sick. Fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, and other food ingredients have a variety of nutrients each needed by the body. However, various food ingredients are not fully guaranteed to be consumed directly. Make it a habit to always wash clean fruit, vegetables, and other food ingredients clean until the pesticides that are still attached or bacteria that are in the food are gone.
Thus the food you cook will be much healthier for family consumption. In washing it, you can use Sunlight Extra Nature with original lime extract, white tea and natural mineral salts that are not only able to cleanse stubborn fat faster but are effective for cleaning fruits and vegetables with a single rinse. Sunlight Extra Nature will provide more protection from various bacteria, dirt, and remnants of pesticides attached to fruits and vegetables.

Routine Clean Houses

Furniture at home can save a lot of dust, bacteria, and germs that can make you and your family sicker in the transition season. Therefore, don’t forget to always clean the house, carpets, floors, and furniture.

Sleep at the Right Time

One bad habit that many people do is stay up late. Over time, doing school or college assignments, sometimes done at night. However, is that good to do? staying up late will make your body condition weak the next day because the night wind is not good for the body. Staying up late can cause problems and diseases in the body, such as weight problems, weakening the body’s immune system so that it is susceptible to disease, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and many other diseases.

Enough rest

Resting is also important to keep the body healthy and away from the disease. A study states that people who sleep eight hours a day have a healthier body than those who sleep less than that. Set your family’s sleep time, especially children. A fresh body can help them not get tired of activities every day. Make sure the child rests well, doesn’t play too much especially with the gadget. No matter how busy you and your family are, take the time to sleep for a moment.
Please try the tips above to avoid yourself and your family from diseases that can attack in the transition season like now. As a smart mother, apply several ways to maintain health above and invite your family to start living a healthy way of life. Come on, be a healthy family!
  • March 19, 2019

5 Healthiest Foods for Breakfast

5 Healthiest Foods for Breakfast

In addition to giving us an energy boost for day-to-day activities, breakfast is also a good food source for fertilizing a number of important nutrients, such as calcium, iron, and vitamin B, as well as protein and fiber. The body needs these nutrients to start the metabolic process, and research shows that if the nutrition is missed by the body at breakfast, there is a minimal possibility for the body to pay this misfortune later on.
In addition, breakfast can also help the body regulate blood sugar concentration, reported by The Independent. Skipping breakfast has been shown to increase blood sugar spikes after eating in people who have type 2 diabetes.
Creating an eating habit in the morning is a routine that you can wake up slowly. Start from light portions first, and then after a while, your morning appetite increases naturally. As a result, maybe you will start to notice that your lunch portion becomes less than usual, including snacks in the office.

What are the best foods for breakfast?

So, choose fried rice or chicken porridge to start your day? Or rather, you prefer the takeaway menu from fast food restaurants? Actually, a number of your favorite morning foods contain tremendous benefits for the body, without you knowing it before.
Here are 6 choices of the best food for our choice of breakfast, which you can make the idea of breakfast tomorrow.

1. Eggs

Behind various bad myths, eggs contain 13 important nutrients for the body, including high protein content. Research shows that high protein breakfast will counteract unhealthy snacking habits throughout the day. In addition, consuming at least 8-10 grams to 20-25 grams of protein will not only provide a longer lasting feeling of satiety but also maintain good muscle mass over time. Plus, egg yolks are high in the content of vitamin B choline, which is important for memory sharpness, also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin which promote eye health.

The menu idea for breakfast

Wheat bread sandwich with stuffed scrambled eggs (or cow eye eggs). Or, you can make a toast with stuffed avocado slices, boiled eggs, and tomatoes. Healthier alternatives, make scrambled egg mixture mixed with chopped spinach first.

2. Tea

Well, for those of you who don’t like the bitter taste of coffee, but still need a zing of caffeine, tea can be a good alternative for your breakfast. Like coffee, tea is also high in antioxidant properties, called flavonoids, which can boost the immune system’s work and are effective as anti-inflammatory drugs. Choose regular jasmine tea, green or black tea – as long as you don’t use sugar – tea is quite effective as a morning alarm because the high L-theanine content can raise alertness and help sharpen focus.

The menu idea for breakfast

Tired of just drinking fresh tea? Brew green tea, then add it as a mixture of your favorite oatmeal porridge. Add slices of banana, avocado, or other favorite fruits. Alternatively, make refreshing green tea powder smoothies blended with low-fat vanilla yogurt, frozen bananas, and strawberries.

3. Banana

This practical, versatile fruit, although known for its high-calorie content (105 calories per 1 medium banana), is rich in natural fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. A medium-sized banana has 422 milligrams of potassium and does not contain sodium at all. This combination can help you manage blood pressure. Starch and fiber in bananas can produce a longer lasting satiety effect so your chances of snacking during the day will be less.

The menu idea for breakfast

If you want to follow the banana diet, start your morning with a glass of water and bananas as much as you want. For other alternatives, you can add ripe banana crushed, and spread peanut butter as a filling for toast, accompanied by a glass of warm milk (or coffee). For the following days, replace your banana toast with a banana smoothie blended with a mixture of ground wheat (oatmeal) and skim milk or soy milk. The next day, replace the liquid ingredients with greek yogurt, apple juice, and fruits as a taste.

4. Greek yogurt

Just like eggs, greek yogurt is a good source of filling protein (twice as high as regular yogurt). In addition, greek yogurt is also rich in calcium. However, try to use plain greek yogurt (plain yogurt without any added flavor) to avoid unwanted artificial sugar intake.

The menu idea for breakfast

You can immediately eat greek yogurt accompanied by toppings of fresh fruits (bananas, kiwi, strawberries, raspberry, or blueberry melons), beans, and granola for the idea of a filling fast breakfast. In addition, you can also add greek yogurt to your protein shake, like the example above.

5. Oatmeal

A bowl of oatmeal porridge contains high fiber, which can help you feel full longer. Oats are whole grains that go through the grinding process, and eating whole grains can reduce your risk of several diseases, including hypertension, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. Oatmeal also contains lignans, a chemical compound that is associated with the prevention of heart disease. In addition, oats are also rich in iron, magnesium and vitamin B complex. However, consider the composition of your ready-to-eat oatmeal. Ready-to-eat oatmeal must contain only one ingredient: whole wheat seeds. Avoid ready-to-eat oatmeal that contains high sugar and sodium, and is low in fiber.

The menu idea for breakfast

Slowly cooked until it is soft, savory or mixed with fresh fruit as a rising overnight oats snack, wheat provides a high supply of nutrients for your body. Or, you can mix your oatmeal porridge with apple juice and skim milk and chopped apples (or other fruit of your choice) for a more refreshing taste. Don’t like breakfast too sweet? Replace fruit toppings with bovine eye eggs and avocado slices doused with salsa sauce, or exchange for grated cheddar cheese topping, sliced leeks and a pinch of paprika powder.
  • March 18, 2019

11 Keys to Success in Maintaining Body Health

11 Keys to Success in Maintaining Body Health

Maintaining a healthy body is very important. When your body’s condition is healthy, your daily activities can run smoothly. Although health is important, many people do not understand how to maintain a healthy body.

Seek Maximum Body Health

Before explaining how to maintain a healthy body, you need to know that someone is said to be healthy not only related to his physical condition, but also his mental condition. Here are tips for maintaining body health that you can do, including:

1. Always think positive

Men In Corpore Sano is the Latin language that means ‘in a healthy body there is a strong soul. The point is that in a healthy body there is a calm and healthy soul too. So try to always think positively about everything that hits you, always remember every problem there is a solution.

2. Set the rest time well

How to maintain a healthy body that can be easily done is to rest. Fatigue after a day of activity is one of the causes of a decrease in endurance. So, resting the body is the right step to relieve fatigue.

When the body’s rest time is interrupted, the risk that can occur is the emergence of stress. Stress itself has been shown to reduce the strength of the immune system, which in turn can make you susceptible to disease.
This can happen because of cortisol, a hormone that helps a person fight disease and inflammation – it can decrease when a person experiences chronic stress. In addition to adequate rest time, so how to maintain a healthy body can also be done by relieving stress.

3. Exercise regularly

How to maintain the health of this body is often missed by many people. Though this method aims to keep the body in shape. Not only good for general health, but this method can also be used to manage other health problems such as osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer.
In order for you to get maximum results, you should spend at least 20-30 minutes every day for exercise.

4. Consumption of fibrous foods

The next way to maintain body health you can do is to eat fibrous foods such as fruit, vegetables, and nuts every day. Fiber foods can keep your body from bacteria. Make sure the food you eat is hygienic.

5. Eat with reasonable and healthy portions

This one way of maintaining health is often underestimated, but actually, it has a great effect on health in general. Eating with reasonable portions is highly recommended to maintain your body’s health. If you are overweight, you are at high risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.
Eat various types of vegetables such as eggplant, pumpkin, carrot, broccoli, cucumber, cabbage, and paprika. Apart from vegetables, various types of fruit are also very good for health such as avocados, strawberries, mangoes, kiwi, apples, pineapples to lemons.
Keep in mind, vegetables contain various kinds of nutrients and vitamins that the body needs. Meanwhile, fruits are believed to be very good for those of you who are on a diet.

6. Meet the needs of vitamin D

Vitamin D functions to stimulate immune cells to ward off viruses and bacteria. Discover this vitamin in sunlight, eggs, liver, and fish to keep your body healthy.

7. Meet the needs of body fluids

Although this is the easiest way to maintain body health, the fact is that many people don’t do it well. Many health articles advise you to meet your body fluids because you see the benefits they can get. A minimum of eight glasses of water per day is the amount that must be met to meet the fluid needs in the body.

8. Spread a smile with people around

Another way to maintain a healthy body is to smile at other people. This is most easily done and is highly recommended to be able to improve your immune system. Besides physical health, smiling is also useful for your spiritual health.
A study revealed social isolation can increase stress and slow down the immune response and the ability to heal quickly. In fact, feeling lonely can also trigger the emergence of several diseases.

9. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

For those of you who want their health to be maintained properly, from now on you must stop consuming alcohol. The negative effects that can be caused are kidney, liver, and cancer problems. In addition to alcohol, you should also stop smoking because it triggers respiratory, cardiovascular disease to cancer.

10. Maintain an ideal body weight

Is your weight in the ideal category? to check if you can check your body mass index (BMI). Various types of diseases that can occur due to being overweight are diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease, and stroke.

11. Maintain good blood pressure

Another way to maintain a healthy body is to control blood pressure. If you are able to maintain good blood pressure, this can prevent damage to the artery wall. Routine blood pressure checks on health professionals.