• March 22, 2019

9 Habits that Help Control the Disease on a Daily Basis

9 Habits that Help Control the Disease on a Daily Basis

Those who have diabetes should keep an eye: if blood glucose levels rise above the expected level, there is a risk of various damage to the body, such as kidney complications, eye damage, and skin problems. The disease occurs precisely because of increased blood sugar, which occurs because the pancreas can not produce the hormone insulin enough for the body to function properly or because insulin is resistant to proper action.
Inserting some simple habits into everyday life is important to get along with diabetes. Here’s what you can do to help conventional treatments control glucose and stay always healthy.

Control Weight

Those who have diabetes and are overweight should ideally seek out a nutritionist to make a proper diet and eliminate the extra pounds. According to endocrinologist Renato Zilli of the Hospital Sírio Libanês, the benefit is in losing abdominal fat, since it is one of the responsibilities for the onset of diabetes and also requires a lot of insulin release.

“When you lose weight, more insulin is left to other parts of the body, requiring less demand for the hormone,” he explains. This is very beneficial for controlling diabetes.

Do Physical Activities

As a rule, all people should have regular physical activity. However, those who have diabetes should follow this recommendation even more closely. Zilli explains that exercising decreases risk or even manages to control diabetes. “It will decrease insulin resistance in the peripheral muscles. With physical activity, the person uses the blood sugar better,” he explains.
In addition, tinkering with the body will rule out the risk of heart attack or stroke, which is naturally increased among patients with diabetes. It is important to talk to the doctor for guidance on the best physical activities for each case.

Moisturize Skin Well

Uncontrolled glycemia can also lead to dry skin that, if left uncared for and very well hydrated, can develop itching and cracking that increases the chance of infection. Dermatologist Cláudio Wulkan, of Israelita Hospital Albert Einstein, clarifies that dry skin shows up following one to three weeks of uncontrolled glycemia. “You need to hydrate your skin well and control your blood sugar.”Opportunistic microorganisms also attack when the skin is dry: “With the uncontrolled sugar, infections may appear, because the defense cells in our blood have their mobility altered. They work slowly in a high-sugar environment,” explains Wulkan. When these defenses are compromised, the skin is vulnerable to attacks of bacteria and fungi. The hydration of the skin, therefore, makes a lot of difference to avoid irritations and injuries. Skin care includes the use of specific products for people with diabetes. Moisturizing creams specially designed for this audience can be used daily. For a more efficient absorption, the idea is to make use of the moisturizer soon after the bath.

Take Care of Your Feet

The skin of the feet is the one that most suffers from the carelessness of controlling the disease. The dermatologist explains that the region is more susceptible to attacks of fungi or bacteria because the vascularization is compromised and the body’s defense cells do not reach the site. In addition, diabetes causes micro-lesions in vessels and nerves that can, indirectly, change the sensitivity of the feet.
“This altered sensitivity can cause wounds, injuries, and ulcers,” warns Wulkan, who is also a member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology and the American Society of Dermatology.
“You can get hurt more because you do not feel the pain. If you step on a pebble, for example, you will not feel it and it will hurt your skin,” he explains. The recommendation is always to assess the sensitivity of the feet in medical appointments.
In addition, also in this region of the body, the dryness of the skin appears with more intensity. The use of skin moisturizers for those who have diabetes can help control the damage caused by excessive dryness.

It is important to remember that the hydrant cream should not contain alcohol since this component can impair the hydration of the skin.

Eat Fibers

Eating healthy and rich in vegetables is ideal for those who have diabetes because they contain fiber, recommends the endocrinologist. The fibers help to slow the rate of absorption of glucose in the blood.

“Foods rich in fiber also give satiety, making the person eat less,” clarifies the endocrinologist.

Sleep Well

It sounds silly, but a good night’s sleep is allied to those who have diabetes. Renato Zilli explains that sleeping less than seven hours a night worsens sugar control because the body produces more cortisol, a hormone that, in excess, is not welcome since it increases the accumulation of abdominal fat.

“In addition, lack of sleep causes more binge eating, so it is very important that the person sleeps well.” The endocrinologist still points out that our will power is spent during the day, so the chance to eat nonsense increases. “It is important then that we start the day with more disposition and for that, it is essential to sleep well.”

Do not Stress

The body releases cortisol in the face of stress, which is bad for people with diabetes. “In addition, stress can make a person stop making healthy choices and have a worsening sleep quality,” says Zilli.

Avoid Simple Carbohydrates

White flour, sugar, and other simple carbohydrates quickly turn into glucose, so they are not good choices for people with diabetes.

“Today, we have a very large caloric offer, so the idea is to make healthier choices and to schedule meals,” says the endocrinologist at the Sírio Libanês Hospital.

Stay away from Alcohol

According to Zilli, those who have diabetes should be very careful about alcoholic beverages. “They can lead to blood glucose both down [hypoglycemia] and up [hyperglycemia]. The best alcoholic drink for people with diabetes is dry red wine, but you can not drink it at will,” he says, asking for caution.

“Only the doctor will be able to tell how much the person can consume,” explains the specialist.

  • March 22, 2019

What to do to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Medication

What to do to Lower High Blood Pressure Without Medication

Uncontrolled blood pressure control is possible, with habits such as practicing physical activities 5 times a week, losing weight and reducing salt intake.
These attitudes are essential to prevent prehypertension from becoming high blood pressure, and may also be doctor-directed as an attempt to control pressure before starting treatment with medication for 3 to 6 months if the pressure is below of 160x100mmHg.
If medication has already been started, they can not be stopped, however, these changes in lifestyle are also very important so that the treatment can control the pressure correctly, even allowing the reduction of doses of medicines.

The main attitudes that have proven to help control the pressure naturally are:

1. Losing Weight

Weight loss and weight control are very important because there is a direct relationship between weight and pressure, which usually increases in people overweight.
In addition to decreasing total body fat, it is also very important to reduce the size of the circumference of the abdomen, since abdominal fat represents a great risk for cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack.
To ensure a controlled weight, it is necessary to have a weight that corresponds to the body mass index between 18.5 and 24.9mg / kg2, which means that the person has the ideal amount of weight for his height. Understand better what this calculation is and know if you are overweight in what it is and how to calculate BMI.

The abdominal circumference, measured with a tape measure in the region of the navel height, should be below 88 cm in a woman and 102 cm in man, to indicate an abdominal fat in the safe amount for health.

2. Adopt a DASH-Style Diet

The DASH-style diet proposes a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products, such as natural yogurt and white cheeses, and low in fat, sugars, and red meat, which contributes to weight loss and blood pressure control.
It is also important to avoid the consumption of canned, canned or frozen ready-to-eat foods as they contain excess sodium and preservatives that lead to increased pressure and should be avoided.

In addition, it is important to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day to keep the body hydrated, balanced and allow proper functioning of the organs.

3. Consume less than 6 g of salt per day

It is very important to control the consumption of salt so that less than 6 g of salt per day is consumed, corresponding to 1 tsp shallow, and is equivalent to 2 g of sodium.
For this, it is necessary to observe and calculate in the food package the amount of salt present, besides avoiding to use the salt to temper the food, being preferred the use of spices such as cumin, garlic, onion, parsley, pepper, oregano, basil or bay leaves, for example. Learn how to grow and prepare to the season to replace salt.

Changing eating habits can reduce blood pressure by up to 10 mmHg, being a great ally to avoid or avoid higher doses of the drugs. Check out other nutritionist’s dietary guidelines and diet menu to control hypertension.

4. Practice exercises 5 times a week

Practicing physical activity, at least 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, 5 times a week, is essential to help control the pressure, reducing from 7 to 10 mmHg, which may help prevent the use of drugs in the future. or to decrease the dose of the medicines.
This is because exercise improves blood circulation through the vessels and helps the heart function, as well as help control levels of pressure-increasing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

Some great options are walking, jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing. Ideally, an anaerobic exercise, with some weight, should also be associated 2 times a week, preferably after medical release and with the guidance of a physical educator.

5. Leave the cigarette

Smoking causes injury and impairment of blood vessel function, as well as contracting its walls, which causes increased pressure, as well as being an important risk factor for various cardiovascular, inflammatory and cancer diseases.
Cigarette smoking is not only related to an increase in blood pressure but in many cases, it may even negate the effect of the medication in those who already have treatment.

In addition, it is important that the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages be controlled, as it is also a cause of increased blood pressure. Thus, its consumption should be moderate, not exceeding the amount of 30 grams of alcohol per day, which equals 2 cans of beer, 2 glasses of wine or 1 dose of whiskey.

6. Eat more food with potassium and magnesium

Replacement of these minerals, preferably through feeding, although not proven, seems to be associated with better control of pressure, since they are important for the metabolism, mainly of the nervous system, blood vessels, and heart muscles.

The recommendation of daily magnesium is up to 400mg in man and 300mg in women and the recommendation of potassium is about 4.7 grams per day, which is usually obtained through the diet rich in vegetables and seeds. Check out what foods are high in magnesium and potassium.

7. Decrease your stress

Anxiety and stress increase levels of male hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, which accelerate the heart rate and contract vessels, raising blood pressure.
The persistence of this situation can further increase the pressure, which makes treatment difficult and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke.

To combat stress, it is recommended to practice physical exercises, activities such as meditation and yoga, in addition to stimulating trips and social gatherings, for example, that help regulate feelings and control hormone levels in the body. In severe cases, it is also recommended to seek professional help through psychotherapy and consultation with a psychiatrist.

  • March 21, 2019

10 Foods that Help Control the Levels of Sugar in the Blood

10 Foods that Help Control the Levels of Sugar in the Blood

Peak blood glucose levels in summer are much more frequent due to the change in habits common at this time, such as changing mealtimes and rest times and greater exposure to heat and dehydration.
A team of nutritionists has selected a set of 10 low-glycemic and low-fat foods that help prevent sugar breakdown while enjoying the holidays without gaining weight.
Cherries, steamed cockles or tea with ice and lemon are some of the foods selected because they have a low glycemic index, are appetizing in summer and low in calories.
With the onset of heat, sugar decompensations, known as blood sugar spikes (can cause sugar levels to rise and fall), are much more frequent due to changes in meal and rest time. The change in eating habits, which may be caused by the increased frequency of social events, longer meal intervals or poor appetite, are other typical times of the year that can cause dehydration or sunstroke due to blood glucose spikes.
In the case of people with type 2 or overweight diabetes, this risk increases and to avoid it a team of dietitian-nutritionists has selected 10 low-glycemic and low-calorie foods that help maintain a constant intake of carbohydrates carbon dioxide and thus prevent blood glucose spikes, contributing to weight loss.

Control the sugar level with 10 foods

One of the recommendations for the summer is to favor foods that help prevent blood sugar spikes, since the higher the sugar rise, the more liquids are lost, which increases the risk of dehydration. It also allows avoiding side effects that can cause type 2 diabetes in the short, medium or long term.”These foods contain slower absorption carbohydrates, which means that the body takes longer to convert them to sugar and does so in a slower and more balanced way. Thus, the body has a constant supply of energy and a greater sense of satiety, which favors loss/weight control. We ought not simply to keep great propensities like keeping each of the five suppers every day to stay away from glucose spikes and avoid parchedness or sunstroke, particularly the diabetics who are most in danger in the mid-year, “says the group of nutritionists.

The rich sardine

can be eaten in various ways, for example, if ingested cold helps to reduce body temperature. In addition, recent studies show that they improve the metabolism of type 2 diabetics and are very rich in Omega 3, contributing to reduce cholesterol levels.

Tapas with steamed cockles or mussels

if you do not want to gain weight, but like to snack, choose some steamed cockles or mussels that are also suitable for type 2 diabetics. They provide many nutrients and are rich in iron.

Fight the heat with iced tea, mint, and lemon

in addition to refreshing, it is important to know that lemon has a lower glycemic index than the rest of the fruit, which helps prevent possible blood sugar spikes.

Cherries to eat between meals

are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, easy to take anywhere and help fight heat if they are ingested fresh. Being rich in beta-carotene helps you achieve and maintain a beautiful tan. Thanks to their low glycemic index, ingested in the right amounts help prevent sudden rises in sugar.

Surprise yourself with couscous

can be taken alone or in salads and help diabetics avoid blood glucose spikes. Being low in fat cardiovascular health thanks.

Who says you can not eat bread?

Brown bread contains the recommended amount of carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed, is rich in fiber and helps control sugar levels. Nutritionists propose to accompany it with hummus, a paste made with chickpeas, suitable for type 2 diabetics, whose glycemic index is very low and favors intestinal transit.

Seasonings with Dijon Mustard

Enjoy salads, but avoid seasoning them with sauces that contain calories and can cause sudden rises of sugar. A good option is to season salads with Dijon mustard, which gives flavor and because it is very low in carbohydrates, is perfect for diabetics.

Refresh with guacamole

Avocado, the base of this sauce, is beneficial for type 2 diabetics because it helps control sugar levels. In addition, it does not raise cholesterol, its fats are healthy, it contains omega 3 and oleic acid, it is very fresh and tasty for summer.

The star of summer, the sweet yogurt sweetened

Nutritionists recommend accompanying you with red fruits, as it has a very low glycemic index. According to a University of Cambridge study, lean yogurt can reduce the risk of diabetes by 24%.

The Benefits of Spinach

This vegetable contains a lot of nutrients, very few calories and contributes to improving cardiovascular and bone health. In addition, it improves the absorption of sugar and prevents the peaks of glycemia. It is ideal to eat very fresh in salads, to which you can add a lot of nuts to make it more complete.

  • March 19, 2019

10 Types of Foods that Are Dangerous to Health

10 Types of Foods that Are Dangerous to Health

We live where everything is instant, including food. Fast food or commonly called junk food is one example of instant food that is not healthy for the body. One of the effects of consuming too much junk food is obesity, diabetes and heart disease. 3 types of diseases that are certainly dangerous and can threaten your life. Not only junk food, but there are still many other types of foods that are not healthy for you to consume every day.
Maintaining health is not an easy thing, but you can try on it. The following are 10 types of foods that you meet every day that turn out to be harmful to your health and you should avoid taking them.

1. Pork Meat

Pork or commonly called bacon, which is one of the favorite foods in the United States, turns out to be dangerous for the body because it contains nitrates and nitrites. The two contents turned out to be very closely related to cancer and blood disease. Besides that, bacon also has saturated and unsaturated fats with a sodium content of 150 milligrams per iris.

2. Candy and sweets

As you know that sweets or meniscal have high sugar levels that can cause tooth decay, increase weight to diabetes if you consume too much. So it should be limited to consuming candy or sweets as many as 1 or 2 pieces of candy a day for children and adults to reduce the risk that might be caused.

3. Dairy products

Most assume that products made from milk such as cheese, yogurt, and butter are something that is well consumed by the body. But not so if the consumption level is too excessive. The effects are varied, such as flatulence, nausea, and digestive tract disorders.

4. Fried

What is meant by fried food here is any type of food that is cooked by frying? Many of the risks posed by fried foods include heart disease, diabetes, gastroenteritis, obesity, slowing metabolic rates, etc. Frying may be a favorite for everyone but is also at high risk if consumed over a long period of time.

5. Fast Food

Although many already understand the dangers and risks of fast food, there are still many who make this type of food a daily meal. One of the main effects of eating fast food is obesity which always causes heart disease and types 2 diabetes. It also causes injury to the stomach wall in the digestive tract.

6. Chocolate

Chocolate is indeed considered a food that has a positive effect on the body that consumes it. However, that is not all. Chocolate can also pose a risk to our health. One milk chocolate bar that has 1.55 ounces or 44 grams, contains 235 calories, 13 grams of fat, and 221 grams of sugar. One ounce of ordinary chocolate contains 156 calories, 9 grams of fat and 13 grams of sugar. These ingredients can be at risk of obesity and heart failure for consumers. In addition, it can also pose a risk of diabetes and cavities.

7. Soft drinks

Soft drinks can or diet coke, both harmful to the body if consumed in excess. Many consider that diet coke can be an alternative drink for those of you who are on a diet, but it is wrong! A study that took up to eleven years, Harvard conducted an experiment that showed a woman who drank a diet coke had a two-fold increase in decreased kidney function. In addition, there was a 34% increase in metabolic syndrome, an increase in abdominal fat and cholesterol causing a risk of heart failure. Soft drinks also tend to erode your tooth enamel and make it breakfast.

8. Canned Vegetables

Although vegetables are one of the healthiest foods for the body, but not so with canned vegetables. That is because Bisphenol A is an organic compound used to make various plastics and is found in most canned food products. Bisphenol A can protect cans from metal and bacterial corrosion but can also interfere with nerve development in the fetus, endocrine disorders, heart disease, and cancer. Canned foods also pose a high risk of sodium, especially on low-salt diets.

9. Potato Chips

Potato chips, which are everyone’s favorite snacks, are also at risk for the health of their consumers. The effect of potato chips is weight gain because one ounce of plain potato chips contains at least 150 calories. In addition, chips are also very low in nutrition and have sodium content which can cause heart disease risks such as high blood pressure, etc. Finally, the high-fat content in potato chips also causes high cholesterol.

10. Roasted Popcorn

This one snack is indeed a favorite snack as a friend to watch a movie. But, it turns out popcorn is also at risk for your health. Report from BPOM that there is a false butter flavor found in popcorn. In addition, it was also reported that the popcorn container used in the microwave also has a layer of material that is damaged when heated. Both of these can increase the risk of lung and heart disease. Therefore, consumers of popcorn are advised to make popcorn using a stove and season it with olive oil alone to make it safer for health.