• March 17, 2019

How to Lose Weight in a Gym Place Safely

How to Lose Weight in a Gym Place Safely

For many people, losing weight is difficult, but if you already know the theory basically, it is something that is very easy to do. Doing a gym to lose weight is one of the easiest ways you can do it.

Instructions for Doing a Gym

Can the gym lose weight? that’s the question that is often said when someone tries to do a gym. The first thing to consider before implementing a gym to lose weight, you should discuss it first with your doctor and nutritionist. They can help you plan how much you have to lose weight per week and heavy goals that must be achieved in a certain period of time.

1. Practice cardio

Gym to lose weight can be started by doing cardio exercise in the form of aerobics. Oxygen consuming activity is a powerful method to consume calories. You can burn 300 calories in 20 minutes by doing high-intensity cardio activities in the gym.
Calorie burning can easily occur if you do cardio exercise. Basically, cardio training is all kinds of physical activities that increase heart rate and maintain it for some time.

2. Do a treadmill

How to lose weight in the next gym can be done by doing a treadmill interrupted by your cardio session. Treadmills help you move your upper and lower body during exercise. Gym training to lose weight helps burn calories and fat. You can also vary your cardio exercise with the features of the treadmill.

3. Use a rowing machine or a static bicycle.

Rowing machines are designed to move the whole body. You can burn fat by using it to exercise in only 20 minutes per day. In addition, static bicycles also help burn fat and speed up metabolism.

4. Combine cardio activities with weight training sessions.

Doing a gym to lose weight is not only done with the cardio exercise, but you also need to do weight training to keep the metabolic system running well.
However, one thing to remember is that weight training must focus on complex movements. The movement has a large effect compared to non-complex movements. A number of complex movements are pull-up, bench press, lunges, squats, and chin-ups.
Another advantage that you can get is that your muscles can form. You may practice weight using a tool, rely on body weight, or both. To get maximum results, weight training can be done 3 times a week for approximately 45 minutes each time you practice.

5. Do it regularly

Make gym activities to lose weight as a habit. Weight loss will not decrease if you do not routinely do the gym. So, when the question arises whether the gym can lose weight? You can already find the answer yourself.
By routinely going to the gym, your body and mind will be accustomed to exercising. That way, weight loss will be faster than the exercise done occasionally.

Tips for Doing a Safe and Comfortable Gym

After you know the various gym exercises to lose weight, you also need to know that the gym is not only done to lose weight but also is useful for the health of the body to avoid various risks of disease.

1. Get guidance from the instructor

If your motivation to do a gym to lose weight really wants to be achieved and you don’t understand about the right gym equipment, it looks like you have to ask for help from the instructor. The presence of an instructor makes you do the exercises with the right movements, so that gym training to lose weight can be more maximal.

2. Do it slowly and don’t forget about warming up

When you first do a gym and are happy to do it, you need to know that gym training should not be done too often. Start slowly by doing it gradually several times a week. A number of gyms recommending experts should be done 30 minutes a day and can be done 2-3 days per week. For beginners, you should do a gym 1-2 days per week.
In addition, heating is something important to do to stretch the muscles before and after doing the gym. This stretch will reduce the risk of injury when you exercise.

3. Gym with the closest person

Doing a gym to lose weight will feel more fun when done with the closest people like a partner, sibling, or coworker. Those who do physical activity with close people are believed to be more maximal to achieve the desired goals.

4. Know the right time to rest

Many people think that a gym to lose weight will be effective if done every day. In fact, this is not right because you need to balance the time between exercise and rest. If you don’t manage your rest time well, your body and muscles don’t have time to recover.

5. Perform a gym with a variety of tools

In order for the gym to lose weight to succeed optimally, you don’t just use one fitness aid. You can use a variety of tools in the gym to train your muscles.
In the end, can the gym lose weight? all depends on how much your efforts to make it happen. The gym to lose weight must be based on strong motivation that it can also reduce the various risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, improve movement ability in people with osteoarthritis, pain, and diabetes.
Getting the benefits of a gym to lose weight is a goal for some people, but if this activity causes health problems, then you should immediately stop it.
Keep in mind, safe weight loss is around 0.5 kg to 1 kg per week. Try to keep your weight from exceeding that range. Health risks that can occur if excessive weight loss is the appearance of gallstones, tired body, and malnutrition.
  • March 8, 2019

When is the best time for exercise according to our muscles?

When is the best time for exercise according to our muscles?

When do you usually exercise? Is it in the morning after waking up in the morning? Or in the afternoon when you have finished doing all the activities then take the time to exercise? Or even at night? To make exercise more effective and have an impact on health, you must know the ‘alarm’ that muscles have for doing sports.
A recent study stated that the muscles and skeletons of the body have their own time and alarm in determining when to exercise and when to stop. Then where is the best time to exercise from the 24 hours we have in a day?

Muscle has its own schedule for effective exercise

Did you know that all cells in the body have their own hours and schedules to do their jobs? This natural body clock is called the circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms regulate the body’s time to eat, sleep, wake up, or perform various other functions. So, if you have 24 hours a day, the body will automatically regulate and determine meal times and other activities.
All cells have a circadian rhythm, including the muscles we use to carry out various activities. A study conducted by researchers from Northwestern University stated that the circadian rhythms of muscles make all the movements they produce more effective. Therefore it is important to know the muscle’s natural hours.

According to research: exercise is better if during the day

The study, published in the Journal of Cell Metabolism, conducted experiments on mice to find out whether muscles have natural hours of activity. From the experiment, it was discovered that mice were more actively running on spinning toys when doing it at night. Mice are animals that are nocturnal or more active at night.
The researchers concluded that genes related to regulating circadian rhythms work very effectively at night. The gene possessed by mice is also owned by humans. And in contrast to mice, humans are more active during the day, the researchers assume that humans will be more effective at exercising during the day.

How do natural muscle hours make exercise more effective?

Based on this study, researchers also found that circadian rhythms in the muscles regulate the response and efficiency of energy use. Circadian rhythms regulated by these special genes are related to the cell’s ability to produce energy. This ability is the most important thing in the occurrence of muscle contractions.
Under normal circumstances, when the muscles are resting or stretching, the muscles will take the oxygen flowing through the blood vessels and convert it into energy. Whereas when you start doing heavy activities, such as running, the body will use more oxygen and cause oxygen to run out quickly. The process of making energy that does not use oxygen will produce lactic acid.
When genes that work to regulate the circadian rhythm are inactive – like at night – the production of oxygen that should be done by muscle cells will be more difficult and reduced. This, of course, can cause lactic acid buildup in the body. Excessive accumulation of lactic acid can cause a person to feel cramps.

Exercising in the morning is also good

Another study has conducted research related to the benefits of exercise in the morning. This research shows that doing moderate intensity exercise for 45 minutes can reduce hunger. In this study, an exercise in the morning can also increase physical activity for a full day. However, it should be noted if you do exercise in the morning, fill your stomach about 2 hours before doing exercise. This will prevent the occurrence of abdominal pain when exercising.

What about sports in the afternoon and evening?

If indeed you are very busy and do not have time in the morning to do sports then actually it does not matter to exercise in the afternoon or late in the day. A study conducted in 2011 stated that people who exercise for 35 minutes before they sleep, the quality of their sleep will be better.
Other studies also show the same thing, the National Sleep Foundation found that as many as 83% of people who exercise before bed claim that they sleep better than those who do not exercise.