• March 19, 2019

10 Types of Foods that Are Dangerous to Health

10 Types of Foods that Are Dangerous to Health

We live where everything is instant, including food. Fast food or commonly called junk food is one example of instant food that is not healthy for the body. One of the effects of consuming too much junk food is obesity, diabetes and heart disease. 3 types of diseases that are certainly dangerous and can threaten your life. Not only junk food, but there are still many other types of foods that are not healthy for you to consume every day.
Maintaining health is not an easy thing, but you can try on it. The following are 10 types of foods that you meet every day that turn out to be harmful to your health and you should avoid taking them.

1. Pork Meat

Pork or commonly called bacon, which is one of the favorite foods in the United States, turns out to be dangerous for the body because it contains nitrates and nitrites. The two contents turned out to be very closely related to cancer and blood disease. Besides that, bacon also has saturated and unsaturated fats with a sodium content of 150 milligrams per iris.

2. Candy and sweets

As you know that sweets or meniscal have high sugar levels that can cause tooth decay, increase weight to diabetes if you consume too much. So it should be limited to consuming candy or sweets as many as 1 or 2 pieces of candy a day for children and adults to reduce the risk that might be caused.

3. Dairy products

Most assume that products made from milk such as cheese, yogurt, and butter are something that is well consumed by the body. But not so if the consumption level is too excessive. The effects are varied, such as flatulence, nausea, and digestive tract disorders.

4. Fried

What is meant by fried food here is any type of food that is cooked by frying? Many of the risks posed by fried foods include heart disease, diabetes, gastroenteritis, obesity, slowing metabolic rates, etc. Frying may be a favorite for everyone but is also at high risk if consumed over a long period of time.

5. Fast Food

Although many already understand the dangers and risks of fast food, there are still many who make this type of food a daily meal. One of the main effects of eating fast food is obesity which always causes heart disease and types 2 diabetes. It also causes injury to the stomach wall in the digestive tract.

6. Chocolate

Chocolate is indeed considered a food that has a positive effect on the body that consumes it. However, that is not all. Chocolate can also pose a risk to our health. One milk chocolate bar that has 1.55 ounces or 44 grams, contains 235 calories, 13 grams of fat, and 221 grams of sugar. One ounce of ordinary chocolate contains 156 calories, 9 grams of fat and 13 grams of sugar. These ingredients can be at risk of obesity and heart failure for consumers. In addition, it can also pose a risk of diabetes and cavities.

7. Soft drinks

Soft drinks can or diet coke, both harmful to the body if consumed in excess. Many consider that diet coke can be an alternative drink for those of you who are on a diet, but it is wrong! A study that took up to eleven years, Harvard conducted an experiment that showed a woman who drank a diet coke had a two-fold increase in decreased kidney function. In addition, there was a 34% increase in metabolic syndrome, an increase in abdominal fat and cholesterol causing a risk of heart failure. Soft drinks also tend to erode your tooth enamel and make it breakfast.

8. Canned Vegetables

Although vegetables are one of the healthiest foods for the body, but not so with canned vegetables. That is because Bisphenol A is an organic compound used to make various plastics and is found in most canned food products. Bisphenol A can protect cans from metal and bacterial corrosion but can also interfere with nerve development in the fetus, endocrine disorders, heart disease, and cancer. Canned foods also pose a high risk of sodium, especially on low-salt diets.

9. Potato Chips

Potato chips, which are everyone’s favorite snacks, are also at risk for the health of their consumers. The effect of potato chips is weight gain because one ounce of plain potato chips contains at least 150 calories. In addition, chips are also very low in nutrition and have sodium content which can cause heart disease risks such as high blood pressure, etc. Finally, the high-fat content in potato chips also causes high cholesterol.

10. Roasted Popcorn

This one snack is indeed a favorite snack as a friend to watch a movie. But, it turns out popcorn is also at risk for your health. Report from BPOM that there is a false butter flavor found in popcorn. In addition, it was also reported that the popcorn container used in the microwave also has a layer of material that is damaged when heated. Both of these can increase the risk of lung and heart disease. Therefore, consumers of popcorn are advised to make popcorn using a stove and season it with olive oil alone to make it safer for health.

Tracy Mill

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