• March 20, 2019

Tips to Maintain Body Health in the Transition Season

Tips to Maintain Body Health in the Transition Season

The weather changes frequently, making you and your family more susceptible to disease. Weather changes are increasingly unpredictable. At times like this, you must actively look for ways to maintain a healthy body and family so as not to fall ill in a season that is increasingly unpredictable as it is today. Here is a way you can take care of your body’s health in the current transition season.

Diligent in Hand Washing

Invite family, especially children to always wash their hands before eating, after finishing playing and more. Maternal and child health is equally important. You must invite your child to learn to avoid illness by diligently washing your hands. After that dry hands with a dry towel, because germs and bacteria can still stick in wet hands.

Lots of White Water Consumption

Have you and your family drunk enough water today? Meet the daily needs of 8 glasses of water a day, equivalent to 2 liters of water. Sufficient water makes your body stay well hydrated. Water serves to facilitate your digestion. Invite the family to consume lots of water during this uncertain weather. Water can increase the body’s metabolism, and prevent the body from getting infected. Make it a habit to bring a tumbler to store water and take it wherever you go. Besides being environmentally friendly, daily water needs are fulfilled!

Sports Routine

Invite your family to exercise regularly, even if it’s only 30 minutes every day. You don’t need to exercise hard to maintain health and fitness. The important thing is that you move enough every day so that the body is not stiff and easily tired. Do this habit at least three times a week. You can start this good habit by stretching in the morning, or in the afternoon with your child. In fact, for housewives, doing housework is considered a sport, because it burns calories. Whisper, let’s!

Eating Foods 4 Healthy 5 Perfect

A healthy body can be obtained by eating healthy food. Many nutrients needed by the body, obtained from food. You certainly know 4 healthy 5 is perfect, right? As a smart mother, of course, you know that one way to maintain a healthy body is to make sure the food your family eats is the best food and avoid disease. Rice, vegetables, side dishes, fruit, and milk are the standard formulas of 4 perfectly healthy 5. These five foods are a source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, and milk are complimentary which helps the body stay strong and energetic.
Take the time to cook every day and make sure directly that your family’s food intake is the best. Avoid foods that have gone through too much processing, such as instant packaged foods. Did you know that the more processes a food ingredient goes through, the more additives are added? If not monitored properly, the body will be susceptible to diseases, especially digestion. Especially in the transition season like this, of course, it requires high immunity from the body.

Keep the Kitchen Clean

Cleanliness of the food served to the family must always be considered because food can enhance the immune system. You must always keep the cooking utensils clean, free of bacteria, as well as food equipment. You can use Sunlight Plus Hygienic Plus Anti Bacteria to remove stains on dirty dishes while killing the bacteria inside the sponge to wash dishes.

Washing Fruits, Vegetables and Other Foodstuffs

As mentioned above, food can be beneficial to form the immune system so it is not easy to get sick. Fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, and other food ingredients have a variety of nutrients each needed by the body. However, various food ingredients are not fully guaranteed to be consumed directly. Make it a habit to always wash clean fruit, vegetables, and other food ingredients clean until the pesticides that are still attached or bacteria that are in the food are gone.
Thus the food you cook will be much healthier for family consumption. In washing it, you can use Sunlight Extra Nature with original lime extract, white tea and natural mineral salts that are not only able to cleanse stubborn fat faster but are effective for cleaning fruits and vegetables with a single rinse. Sunlight Extra Nature will provide more protection from various bacteria, dirt, and remnants of pesticides attached to fruits and vegetables.

Routine Clean Houses

Furniture at home can save a lot of dust, bacteria, and germs that can make you and your family sicker in the transition season. Therefore, don’t forget to always clean the house, carpets, floors, and furniture.

Sleep at the Right Time

One bad habit that many people do is stay up late. Over time, doing school or college assignments, sometimes done at night. However, is that good to do? staying up late will make your body condition weak the next day because the night wind is not good for the body. Staying up late can cause problems and diseases in the body, such as weight problems, weakening the body’s immune system so that it is susceptible to disease, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and many other diseases.

Enough rest

Resting is also important to keep the body healthy and away from the disease. A study states that people who sleep eight hours a day have a healthier body than those who sleep less than that. Set your family’s sleep time, especially children. A fresh body can help them not get tired of activities every day. Make sure the child rests well, doesn’t play too much especially with the gadget. No matter how busy you and your family are, take the time to sleep for a moment.
Please try the tips above to avoid yourself and your family from diseases that can attack in the transition season like now. As a smart mother, apply several ways to maintain health above and invite your family to start living a healthy way of life. Come on, be a healthy family!

Tracy Mill

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